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The bellicon rebounder is different

Our mini trampolines are in many ways quite different from others that are available. Just looking at the price, you'll probably ask yourself why ours are clearly so much more expensive. When however you take a closer look, you'll immediately notice that the design is totally unlike conventional m

15 Minute bellicon Workout

Enjoy a 15 mins whole body workout program with 2 different exercises in each of the of the following 5 major categories: ● Power - exercise muscles and burn off fat ● Cardio - strengthening the heart with aerobic exercise ● Flexibility ● Balance - coordination and fall prevention ● Relax - relieve

bellicon® introduction workout «First bounce»

Take the time to get to know the bouncing motion of your bellicon® and to get the feeling for your mat. With the program «First bounce» you will get a professional introduction of the basic training and the positioning of your body on the bellicon®. With this specific introduction you will easily l

Expand your bellicon training program!

Expand your bellicon training program with knee exercises, different types of pushups, with workout equipment, such as dumbbells, weight glover expanders. Use your bellicon alone or with a workout partner. Info about the bellicon used in this clip: It's the bellicon premium 44" with screw on legs a

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