alugha pricing

Plans for every scope


Extra monthly credits for your extended needs

2 audio tracks
and more features
per month*

For your first video experience.

2 audio tracks
and more features
Small Business
Small Business

For the company with international connections.

5 audio tracks
and more features
per month*

For companies with a global vision.

10 audio tracks
and more features
per month*
Let's Talk
Let's Talk

For podcast starters

2 audio tracks
and more features
per month*
Radio Shaker
Radio Shaker

For emerging talk masters

6 audio tracks
and more features
per month*

For producers that want it all

Unlimited audio tracks
and more features
per month*

Payment option

*Effective monthly rate. You commit to 1 payment/s with a payment frequency of 1 year. The total price is calculated prior to purchase.

Looking for a

custom solution?

Get in touch with our multilingual support team to create a customized plan to suit your business demands.

Detailed comparison of plans

* All prices are considered plus 19% VAT for in Germany residing Traders and Non-Traders (Private persons / Consumers) as well as for consumers residing in an EU-Country. Traders residing in an EU-Country are legally bound to declare the respective VAT in their country by themselves. For Traders and Consumers neither residing in Germany or the EU, the prices are applicable without VAT. In addition to the final prices, depending on the type of payment the User choses, other costs which will be displayed before sending the order may occur. The total price for the services during the contract period depends on the selected product and can be viewed while beeing logged in the alugha User account and / or in the order summary before sending the order.

What happens

if I exceed my plan?

We have systems that monitor your contingent so that you will never be surprised with a high bill at the end of the month. And yet we are not slowing down your business - we will inform you before you reach your contingent limit and give you the possibility to purchase additional bandwidth, traffic or memory space to cover demand.

Are you running a non-profit organization?

There are things in life that deserve being supported by us all. This includes access to education and all the people out there who share their own effort and time to accomplish meaningful things. We at alugha know that there is a whole bunch of people that support those in need and expect close to nothing in return. They do it because they want to do the right thing and it's our very own concern to help those people. That's why we came up with a special charity program where we give you a discount on any of our paid plans. This does however not apply to goods and services that can be purchased via alugha and are not included in a subscription plan.

If one or more of these conditions apply to you, get in touch with us to claim our support:

  • You're running a non-profit organization
  • You're running an educational facility
  • You're running a social organization
  • You're running a charitable organization

Reach out to us

We preserve our right to discontinue your discount when the above conditions are no longer met. Furthermore, the support of either political or lobby organisations is explicitly excluded from this offer.