Hello 2022 -- What are your plans?

At the beginning of the year, many people make plans. What are your intentions for 2022? The alugha team has some ideas that you can put into practice.

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First of all, the entire alugha team wishes you a wonderful, happy, healthy and successful 2022. At the beginning of the year, many of us make plans and try to implement their ideas, projects and visions. Some want to lose weight, live more sustainably, eat healthier or change careers. Some resolutions are difficult to keep and implement, which is why some people do not make any resolutions at all. In this article, there are some suggestions, all of which are non-binding, fun and perhaps can eventually turn into good routines. 

Try out something new or further your education

Have you always wanted to make your own jelly bears, further your education or refresh your knowledge? Then we have all kinds of entertaining and understandable videos in your language. There's certainly a lot here that might interest you.

Watch old classics again in 2022

Most readers here like videos and films of all kinds. But despite all the new trends, some long for consistency and timeless classics. At alugha you'll find a lot of them: legally and in numerous languages, such as Sabrina, Hitchcock classics or the old Sherlock Holmes films

Learn a new language

Learning languages is not only fun, but can also be very useful. There are many courses, both online and offline, some of which are not that expensive. There are also books that are suitable for self-study. Inexpensive ways to practise and deepen your knowledge of a language include language tandems, foreign language books or videos and podcasts. You can find the last two at alugha. 

Use a YouTube alternative

YouTube still has a quasi-monopoly when it comes to video hosting. Data protection is a minor issue. So set an example and use alternatives. Some platforms appeal more specifically to certain interest groups. Vimeo, for example, is used more in the artistic field. alugha wants to give everyone a platform, regardless of their language. In addition, you can watch the videos here without advertising and no cookies can track you.

Stand up for the preservation of smaller languages

According to a study by the Australian National University, 1500 languages around the world are acutely threatened with extinction. There are numerous projects to counteract this. You can support them financially or raise awareness in a campaign. In example, at alugha, there are already videos in Lower German.

Start a multilingual video project

Have you always wanted to start a video project of any kind? Videos have a lot of potential. But if you want to reach a wider audience, your video project should be multilingual. Furthermore, it is a sign of inclusion to provide subtitles. With alughas Toolkit, this is easy to do with little effort and cost. The beginner account is free. You can register here.

Good luck with your projects for 2022!




Source: https://www.rnd.de/wissen/studie-zeigt-1500-sprachen-vom-aussterben-bedroht-7PAPZI3NXZQZJ6TC2GIAGU7NYI.html

deuDeutsch41 51.25%
engEnglish39 48.75%

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