On World Children's Day 2022

Today is World Children's Day in many countries. This day is meant to draw special attention to the rights of children. Find out here what you can do for children with the help of alugha.

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Today is World Children's Day, which is primarily intended to draw attention to the rights of children. The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, which applies in many countries, includes:

  • the right to non-discrimination

  • the right to life, survival and development

  • the right to the best interests of the child

  • the right to participation

Poverty affects every third child

Child poverty exists in different dimensions. Globally, one in three children is affected by multidimensional poverty, meaning a lack of water, food, security, health and education. Child poverty also includes emotional poverty, such as neglect, lack of support and lack of affection. In fact, half of all people living below the poverty line are children. 

Children on the run

Worldwide, around 84 million people are on the run, 42% of whom are children and young people. These figures are from the year 2021 and therefore do not include the people currently fleeing Ukraine. 

Education is for everyone

An important concern of our multilingual video platform alugha is education. Numerous educational videos are already available on alucation.

As mentioned earlier, many children are refugees. When they arrive in a safe country, they often do not understand the language spoken there and have to find their way around again. 

However, the language of origin should not play a role in education. This is why it is so important to alugha that all educational videos are made available in multiple languages. This way, every child can learn at their own pace and in their preferred language. 


In this context, alugha today introduces a new partner who has shared his videos with us and welcomes children of all backgrounds to understand them. 

By means of Kinderweltreise, children get to know different continents of the world. On their virtual journey around the world, they get to know the country and its people, flora and fauna, but above all how other children live, how they go to school, how they play or what they eat. In short: a programme suitable for children, where it is obvious to be accessible in any language. 

Dear children, 

Have you always wanted to travel the world and learn how children from all over the world live? Then come along and watch a video in your language. 

Would you like to give us your voice and language for educational videos and thus put a smile on other children's faces? Then contact us here

Your alugha team





https://www.aktion-deutschland-hilft.de/de/fachthemen/kinder-in-not/kinderarmut/ (01.06.2022, 10:10)

https://www.unicef.de/blob/194402/3828b8c72fa8129171290d21f3de9c37/d0006-kinderkonvention-neu-data.pdf (01.06.2022, 10:08)

https://www.uno-fluechtlingshilfe.de/hilfe-weltweit/fluechtlingsschutz/fluechtlingskinder (01.06.2022, 10:11)


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