Àrea del triangle 1 / 2absinC c | Trigonometria | Matemàtiques | FuseSchool
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Si no tenim l'altura vertical d'un triangle, podem trobar l'àrea del triangle mitjançant 1 / 2ab sinC.
En aquest vídeo descobrirem d'on ve aquesta fórmula. La fórmula es basa en l'àrea = 1/2 base X altura i també en sense (angle) = oposat / hipotenusa.
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Let’s discover some more circle theorems so that we can solve all types of geometrical puzzles.
We discovered these 4 theorems in part 1:
Angle at the centre is double the angle at the circumference
The angle in a semi-circle is 90 degrees
Angles in the same segment are equal / Angles subtended by
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Learn the basics about the principles of green chemistry as a part of the environmental chemistry topic.
Our teachers and animators come together to make fun & easy-to-understand videos in Chemistry, Biology, Physics, Maths & ICT.
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Waves transfer energy from one place to another.
You should already know how to describe them in terms of frequency, wavelength and amplitude.
In this video we’re going to look at the two ways they can be classified.
Waves are produce