
This channel was not officially created by Sprouts. It was created by alugha to bundle all the videos from this producer into one channel and make it easier to locate them.

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Video Games in Education

"Educators have started realizing the power of video games for learning. To use video games in classrooms, check out G2A’s free online course for teachers: g2a.co/academy" #G2A #education #sproutslearning SUPPORT us to reach more teachers! https://www.patreon.com/sprouts 🐦 DOWNLOAD video withou

Watson’s Theory of Behaviourism

John B. Watson famously claimed that if he were to be given a dozen healthy infants, he could shape them into anything; doctors, lawyers, artists, beggars, or thieves, regardless of their background or genetic predispositions. First, he completed experiments with 8-month old Albert. He later applied

Skinner’s Operant Conditioning: Rewards & Punishments

Operant conditioning is based on the idea that we can increase or decrease a certain behavior by adding a consequence. Script: Selina Bador Artist: Pascal Gaggelli Voice: Mithril Recording: Notienatsu Editing: Peera Lertsukittipongsa Creative Director: Jonas Koblin Made with MinuteVideos This vide

The Dunning Kruger Effect

The Dunning Kruger Effect is a cognitive bias that makes people believe they are smarter and more capable than they actually are. The effect is related to people’s general inaptitude to recognize their lack of ability. To learn how this comes about and what you can do to avoid it from happening to

The Powerful Placebo Effect in Modern Medicine

A placebo is a treatment with zero therapeutic value but magical healing power. To understand better how placeboes work, let’s look at Mr. and Mrs. Martin, who both suffer chronic back pain... This video was made with the support of our sponsors: Avigail, Badrah, Cedric Wang, Eva Marie Koblin, da7

Nietzsche: Master and Slaves

What if morality is just a fiction used by the herd of inferior human beings to hold back the few superior men? In this Sprouts special with Stephen Hicks, we examine Nietzsche’s explanation for how ethics develop and the consequences for master types living in a world that’s dominated by the morali

John Dewey’s 4 Principles of Education

There are only a few ideas that had as much of an impact on education as those of John Dewey. The American philosopher, psychologist and educator believed children to be active contributors and agents of their learning, and not just passive recipients of knowledge of previous generations. He believe

10 Rules of Learning Math Scientifically

For the past 100 years, many brilliant men and women have been researching and thinking about how we learn number concepts and what are the best ways to teach math to children and adults. Combining their findings, we compiled a list containing 10 Rules of learning math. #learn #math #pedagogy Int

Neglect Theory: The Lives of the Forgotten Children

Children who experience physical, cognitive or emotional neglect, often face anxiety. As a result, their body produces stress hormones. If this happens a lot, these hormones become toxic for their developing brain, which then later can repress emotional and cognitive well-being for life. Non profit

The Non-Violent Communication Model

There are arguably two styles of communication. Communication that’s coercive, manipulative, and hurtful and communication that’s honest, respectful, and compassionate. Marshall Rosenberg, who developed a model for Nonviolent Communication (NVC), liked to demonstrate the differences between the st

The Active Learning Method

"Active learning" means you participate, collaborate with others, and apply concepts to the real world. It requires hard mental effort but leads to better retention and an understanding of the material that can be transferred to other situations. To explain how to apply Active Learning in classrooms