7 Psychological Things That Can Make Us Less Attractive

Are you curious about what makes you not so attractive to someone? What holds you back from success with dating? We got you covered. In this video. Find out what lowers your chance with a date. #psych2to #dating #attraction Transcript for your readings including reputable sources for each of the points: https://docs.google.com/document/d/17cnuqksb0Q4FdjNYWcOlAi1o5pC_Rnd9X2umjOUrcTM/edit?usp=sharing Credits To: Script Writer: John B Script Editor: Steven Wu VO: Lily Hu Animator: Grace Cano YouTube Manager: Cindy Cheong If you love this animation and the work we do, consider turning on the notification bell! Click here to see more videos: https://alugha.com/Psych2Go

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