Vor Tausenden von Jahren wurde entdeckt, dass bei einem rechtwinkligen Dreieck die beiden kleineren Quadrate auf den Seiten genau gleich groß sind wie das größere Quadrat des Dreiecks - das Quadrat, das auf der Diagonalen entsteht. Dies nennt man den Satz des Pythagoras.
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Übersetzung und Dubbing: alugha
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Asexual reproduction only needs one parent; all the offspring are clones. This means they are genetically identical to one another and to the parent.
Many plants use asexual reproduction, like spider plants. Bacteria also reproduce asexually in a process called binary fission. And even some animals
In this video you will learn how weird and wonderful animals are formed in the process of speciation and the formation of new species.
Different selection pressures select for different characteristics. Over generations, the individuals with the beneficial traits will prosper, and others will die
If a plant has enough water, minerals and energy it will grow right? Well sort of… but there is more to it - like why do plants bend towards the light and not just grow straight? And how come the stem grows up but the roots grow down? It isn’t as if a plant has eyes to tell it where the sun is.