El proceso de Haber | Reacciones | Química | FuseSchool
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¿Qué es el Proceso Haber, cómo funciona y cuándo se utiliza? En este vídeo educativo de The Fuse Universal aprenderás sobre::
- La realización del proceso de Haber.
- El proceso industrial para la producción de amoniaco.
- Usos del proceso de Haber en la industria.
The Fuse School realiza el proyecto Viaje de Química, un proyecto educativo de química de The Fuse School patrocinado por Fuse. Estos vídeos se pueden usar en aprendizaje semipresencial o como ayuda para revisar temario.
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Este vídeo se distribuye bajo una licencia Creative Commons:
Reconocimiento-No comercial-Sin derivaciones CC BY-NC-ND
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In this video we discover what rationalising the denominator is and how to do it. The denominator is the bottom part of a fraction. Rationalising the denominator is when we move a root from the bottom - the denominator - to the top (the n
In this video we are going to look at how to do percentage increases and decreases, using multipliers. You should already know what percentages are, and how to find them.
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Here, we have 3 farmers Bob, Jack and Jill.
They need to fence their fields to stop their sheep from running away. However, they’re not too sure how much fencing to buy, especially since their fields have different shapes.
In order to