The smartphone turns 10 - The path of a giant

10 years smartphone! We tell you how the whole thing started.

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For numerous people, but especially for the young generation, the smartphone became a basic, indispensable equipment of us humans over the last decade. Without your smartphone you don’t leave the house, are “permanently online, permanently connected”. Friends start to worry when you haven’t been online on WhatsApp for more than four hours, people go insane when they can’t reach you on the phone. The smartphone became a part of us, in fact as fast as just very few technical inventions before that. Because in 2017, the smartphone only turns ten! 

The story behind the display 

1983 - Lionel Richie’s “All Night Long” is played all the time on the radio - the first mobile phone of the world celebrated its market launch - the Motorola Dynatac 8000X, also known as “bone” due to its weight of 800 grams and with a proud price of unbelievable 4.000 $. Those facts let us smirk for sure today, but regardless, the milestone for every further phone was laid that day. 

After Motorola, Nokia and Sony Ericsson also joined the phone market, in the end of the 1990’s, Siemens also steps into the ring as the first German producer. It was also Siemens, who brought the first phone with color display and MP3 player to the market. In that process, T-mobile released the first phone with wireless LAN - a sensation during that time. 

“i” and “Phone” become one 

While Rihanna scales the top of the charts with her song “Umbrella” in 2007, this year is about to go down in history because of a completely different event - Apple brings the very first smartphone on the market. Or not? If we’re being strict about it, it actually seems to be IBM Simon who brought out the first phone with touchscreen and email function in 1983. That one, as well as the Nokia Communicator of the year 1996, were hardly noticed. This is how the appearance of the first smartphone is usually associated with the year 2007. Since that year Apple continually brings out current runners of the iPhone - and presumably sees Samsung as one of the biggest competitors. But we don’t want to set up the discussion about iOS or Android. 

Happy Birthday, smartphone!

10 years of smartphone! We congratulate the wireless internet, WhatsApp, email traffic, Facetime and a lot more. Dear smartphone, you sometimes even achieve the impossible - bringing together young and old. Because of you, we “kiddos” can even explain something to our parents every now and then. Thanks for that! We love you! 






engEnglish466 58.47%
deuDeutsch133 16.69%
spaEspañol128 16.06%
catCatalà70 8.78%

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