健康关系的 8 个迹象

无论是浪漫,柏拉图式还是家庭关系,与他人保持健康的联系对于过上幸福的生活都很重要。然而, 决定健康关系的因素很多,你认为什么是健康关系的迹象? 编剧:Phoebe Yu 剧本编辑:Sophia Katz 剧本经理:Kelly Soong 英语配音:Amanda Silvera 动画师:Naphia YouTube 经理:Cindy Cheong 参考文献: “7 Signs of a Healthy Relationship.” The Family Centre, Fields, ―Dr. Tiffany, et al. “Why Physical Touch Matters for Your Well-Being.” Greater Good, “Healthy Relationship – 7 Signs: LivingWell Medical Clinic: Grass Valley.” LivingWell Medical Clinic, 4 Feb. 2021, Kennedy, Madeline, and Sara Rosen. “Think You’re in a Healthy Relationship? Couples Therapists Share 10 Must-Have Qualities for Long-Lasting Love.” Insider, Insider, 26 May 2021, Migala, Jessica, et al. “9 Signs You’re in a Healthy Relationship: Everyday Health.”,, Crystal. “Healthy Relationships: 32 Signs, Tips, Red Flags, and More.” Healthline, Healthline Media, 13 Dec. 2019, 翻译和配音:alugha 点击这里观看更多视频:

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