8 Signs that Someone is Battling Mental Health Problems

Depression, anxiety disorders, schizophrenia, eating disorders, and addictive behaviors are some examples of mental disorders, which affect your mood, thinking, and behavior for a sustained period of time. The stigma around mental health can sometimes make people afraid to reach out for help or support. Do you often feel detached, tired, uninterested, insomnic, or hypersomic, lost of appetite, or sucidal? These could be some signs that you or someone you know might be dealing with mental health problems. Writer: Ananya Sawarkar Script Editor: Isadora Ho Script Manager: Kelly Soong VO: www.youtube.com/AmandaSilvera Animator: Clarisse Lim Xingyi YouTube Manager: Cindy Cheong Here are some suicide hotlines that you could potentially reach out to: America: 1-800-273-TALK (8255) Canada: 1-866-531-2600 Australia: 13 11 14 United Kingdom: +44 (0) 8457 90 90 90 Beijing: 0800-810-1117 Hong Kong: +852 28 960 000 Japan/Tokyo: 81 (0) 3 5286 9090 Brazil: 55 11 31514109 or (91) 3223-0074 Mexico: 9453777 Germany: 0800 111 0 111 Russia: (495) 625 3101 India: 91-22-27546669 Iran: 1480 South Africa: 0800 12 13 14 This is only a short list of a few countries, however there is always somebody to reach out to. References; Ranna Parekh, M.D., M.P.H. (July 2018) Warning Signs of Mental Illness. Retrieved May 07, 2021, from https://www.psychiatry.org/patients-families/warning-signs-of-mental-illness Harvard Health Publishing (March 18, 2019) Sleep and mental health. Retrieved May 07, 2021, from https://www.health.harvard.edu/newsletter_article/sleep-and-mental-health Ann Pietrangelo (Updated on October 22, 2019) Fatigue and Depression: Are They Connected? Retrieved May 07, 2021, from https://www.healthline.com/health/depression/fatigue#an-unfortunate-connection Chris Iliades, MD (Updated on September 10, 2012) Depression’s Effect on Your Appetite. Retrieved May 07, 2021, from https://www.everydayhealth.com/hs/major-depression/depressions-effect-on-appetite/ Transcript: alugha Click here to see more videos: https://alugha.com/Psych2Go

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