Software developer at alugha: Our developer team introduces itself

What’s mainly characterizing a software company? – It’s the creative minds behind it: the developers. A company like alugha couldn’t exist without them. They are the ones, turning a wish, a mere idea (and we have plenty of them) into reality – real dream-truthmakers so to say. They give rise to a program, a website from the scratch.

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The whole thing is comparable with the creation of a garden: planting flowers and changing it in parts again, if for example the color of a flower doesn’t fit into the overall concept anymore. But it’s even possible that the garden has to be plowed up completely. It’s a never ending process, since it’s always possible to enhance, improve and optimize something.

Our developer team

We have great people in our team, with fantastic ideas and other very creative people, visualizing these ideas. But in the end they are exactly what they are: ideas and mockups. Only the developers let all these dreams come true.

Today we introduce the five dream-truthmakers of alugha: our software developers Niklas, Ithamar, Steffen, Christian and Guillaume. We proposed them all the same eight questions: How long have you been working for alugha? How is it like to work at alugha… do you like your job? What’s making you crazy? The five give an answer to these and some more questions in the following multilingual video:

We’re pleased about new team members!

Why did we produce this video? Very simple: because we want to reach you out there! If software is your passion and if you see yourself as a sort of dream-truthmaker as well, this is the right place for you! We’re looking forward to your contacting :-)

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