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Skopri l-karta l-ġdida tal-20 euro
Skopri l-karta l-ġdida tal-20 euro u l-karatteristika ta' sigurtà innovattiva tagħha, it-tieqa bil-wiċċ, mill-25 ta' Novembru 2015. Meta żżomm il-karta tal-flus kontra d-dawl, it-tieqa ssir trasparenti u fiha tidher xbieha ta' wiċċ. 338 miljun ċittadin Ewropew – magħqudin u b'saħħitna flimkien bl-euro. http://www.karti-godda-tal-euro.eu/
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338 million people in 19 countries use one currency – the euro, Europe’s money. Find out more about the euro by playing the Euro Run game at http://www.new-euro-banknotes.eu/EDUCATIONAL-PUBLICATIONS/EURO-RUN/Euro-Run-Game
Life cycle of euro banknotes
Who produces euro banknotes? How long are they in circulation? Discover the answers in this short animation on the life cycle of euro banknotes. For more information on euro banknotes: http://www.new-euro-banknotes.eu