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  • 📅 February 11–15, 2025
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didacta special:
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What Are Fertilisers? | Agriculture | Biology | FuseSchool

What are fertilisers? Fertilisers help to plants grow, thus increasing crop yields. They contain helpful nutrients and minerals like nitrogen, potassium and phosphorous which aid in plant growth. Excess fertilisers washing off fields causes a problem known as 'eutrophication'. JOIN our platform at www.fuseschool.org Click here to see more videos: https://alugha.com/FuseSchool These videos can be used in a flipped classroom model or as a revision aid. Twitter: https://twitter.com/fuseSchool Access a deeper Learning Experience in the FuseSchool platform and app: www.fuseschool.org Friend us: http://www.facebook.com/fuseschool This Open Educational Resource is free of charge, under a Creative Commons License: Attribution-NonCommercial CC BY-NC ( View License Deed: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/ ). You are allowed to download the video for nonprofit, educational use. If you would like to modify the video, please contact us: info@fuseschool.org

LicenseCreative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial

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