在了解了是什么使一个人不成熟后,你可能想了解相反的主题-是什么使某人成熟。请访问我们的视频- 成熟人物的迹象:https://youtu.be/yhwpJCT-25g
#immature #psych2go #maturity
作者:Chloe Avenasa
脚本编辑:Rida Batool
脚本经理:Kelly Soong
VO:Amanda Silvera
动画师:Sam Rain
YouTube 经理:Cindy Cheong
Domingue, R., & Mollen, D. (2009). Attachment and conflict communication in adult romantic relationships. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 26(5), 678-696.
Behera, S., & Rangaiah, B. (2017). Relationship between emotional maturity, self-esteem, and relationship-satisfaction: a study on adolescent relationship dynamics. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 34(11); 109-121.
Taylor, S., & Leslie, J. B. (2013). An examination of romantic relationships and self-perception accuracy. Journal of Marriage and Family, 32(21); 249-253.
Levendosky, A., Huth, A., & Semel, M. (2002). A study on self-victimization as a tactic of emotional manipulation in adolescent romantic relationships. Journal of Social Psychology, 31(2); 206-218.
Rhule-Louie, D. M., & McMahon, R. J. (2007). Problem behavior and romantic relationships: Assortative mating, behavior contagion, and desistance. Clinical child and family psychology review, 10(1), 53-100.
Hocutt, M. A. (2018). Relationship dissolution model: antecedents of relationship commitment and the likelihood of dissolving a relationship. International Journal of service industry management.
Shulman, S., & Knafo, D. (2017). Balancing closeness and individuality in adolescent close relationships. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 21(4), 687-702.
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翻译与配音 : alugha
Have you ever been told you’re an old soul? Being an old soul means you think and behave more maturely than people your age typically do. You have more knowledge and wisdom than expected and act accordingly. Watch this if you’re curious to find out whether you’re an old soul.
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