
你是否正与一个不太成熟的人交往?为了使两个人有更加健康的关系,需要一定的成熟度。伴侣的成熟度可以成就或破坏关系。在这段视频中,我们将提供一些迹象,帮助你识别某些人对你来说是否太不成熟。也许,你会发现自己就是那个不太成熟的伴侣,但这正是你可以学习并成长的地方。 在了解了是什么使一个人不成熟后,你可能想了解相反的主题-是什么使某人成熟。请访问我们的视频- 成熟人物的迹象:https://youtu.be/yhwpJCT-25g 注意:此视频以教育为目的,而不是要攻击或批评任何可能具有相似迹象的人。 #immature #psych2go #maturity 感谢: 作者:Chloe Avenasa 脚本编辑:Rida Batool 脚本经理:Kelly Soong VO:Amanda Silvera 动画师:Sam Rain YouTube 经理:Cindy Cheong 参考文献(英文): Domingue, R., & Mollen, D. (2009). Attachment and conflict communication in adult romantic relationships. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 26(5), 678-696. Behera, S., & Rangaiah, B. (2017). Relationship between emotional maturity, self-esteem, and relationship-satisfaction: a study on adolescent relationship dynamics. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 34(11); 109-121. Taylor, S., & Leslie, J. B. (2013). An examination of romantic relationships and self-perception accuracy. Journal of Marriage and Family, 32(21); 249-253. Levendosky, A., Huth, A., & Semel, M. (2002). A study on self-victimization as a tactic of emotional manipulation in adolescent romantic relationships. Journal of Social Psychology, 31(2); 206-218. Rhule-Louie, D. M., & McMahon, R. J. (2007). Problem behavior and romantic relationships: Assortative mating, behavior contagion, and desistance. Clinical child and family psychology review, 10(1), 53-100. Hocutt, M. A. (2018). Relationship dissolution model: antecedents of relationship commitment and the likelihood of dissolving a relationship. International Journal of service industry management. Shulman, S., & Knafo, D. (2017). Balancing closeness and individuality in adolescent close relationships. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 21(4), 687-702. 想和我们分享你的故事吗?通过 editorial@psych2go.net 联系我们 翻译与配音 : alugha 点击这里查看更多视频:https://alugha.com/Psych2Go

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