Ta video je bil posodobljen: https://youtu.be/6aaQuhhHawY
Sodišče Evropske unije je sodni organ EU. Njegova vloga je zagotoviti, da institucije EU in države članice spoštujejo pravo EU in da se to pravo enako uporablja v celotni EU. S tem se zagotavlja, da EU temelji na načelu vladavine prava, ki je bistveni element vseh demokratičnih subjektov.
Sodišče EU s sprejemanjem odločb na področjih, kot so varstvo potrošnikov, okolje, pravica do zasebnosti, enako obravnavanje in pravice delavcev, ki neposredno vplivajo na življenje vseh državljanov EU, zagotavlja, da državljani EU uživajo varstvo v okviru prava EU na popolnoma enak način ne glede na to, kje so v EU.
The Court of Justice has a long history of ensuring equal treatment of individuals regardless of gender or sexual orientation. This film explores just a few of the cases where the Court has helped to uphold the rights of the LGBTQ community.
Respect for the rule of law is a fundamental part of modern democracy. An independent judiciary is a key element of the rule of law. In recent years the Court of Justice has had to decide a number of cases concerning the independence of the judiciary to ensure that the EU remains a Union based on th
The EU Charter of Fundamental Rights is not just a set of abstract ideas, it has binding force, applied by Courts across the EU, including the Court of Justice of the European Union, to real cases affecting real people.