Sud Europske unije sudsko je tijelo Unije. Njegova je uloga osigurati da institucije i države članice Unije poštuju pravo EU-a i da se ono ujednačeno primjenjuje u cijeloj Uniji. Time se osigurava da je Europska unija utemeljena na vladavini prava, temeljnom elementu svih demokratskih sustava.
Donoseći odluke u područjima poput zaštite potrošača, okoliša, prava na privatnost, jednakog postupanja i radničkih prava, koja izravno utječu na živote svih građana Unije, Sud Europske unije jamči da su njezini građani zaštićeni pravom EU-a na ujednačen način, neovisno o tome gdje se nalazili u Europskoj uniji.
The Court of Justice has a long history of ensuring equal treatment of individuals regardless of gender or sexual orientation. This film explores just a few of the cases where the Court has helped to uphold the rights of the LGBTQ community.
Respect for the rule of law is a fundamental part of modern democracy. An independent judiciary is a key element of the rule of law. In recent years the Court of Justice has had to decide a number of cases concerning the independence of the judiciary to ensure that the EU remains a Union based on th
The EU Charter of Fundamental Rights is not just a set of abstract ideas, it has binding force, applied by Courts across the EU, including the Court of Justice of the European Union, to real cases affecting real people.