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5 个迹象表明暗恋对象对你不感兴趣

单相思很痛苦。单相思意味着单方面的爱,而没有回应。当你单方面暗恋时,你可能会想知道 “怎么知道他是否喜欢我?”,“怎么知道她是否喜欢我?”。你们有没有想过自己的暗恋对象是否喜欢你? 当被拒绝时,单相思可能会令人痛苦和心碎。当有人将你划分为朋友时, 他们会表现出微妙的迹象,例如不争取, 他们谈论自己的爱情生活, 与你保持距离, 失约, 和其他人调情。 作者:Sara Del Villar 剧本编辑:Vanessa Tao 剧本经理:Kelly Soong 配音:Amanda Silvera 动画师:Daniela Herrera YouTube 经理:Cindy Cheong 来源: Meanley, E. (2009, December 15). 6 signs your crush is not ready for a relationship. Glamour. Retrieved December 20, 2021, from https://www.glamour.com/story/6-signs-your-crush-is-not-read Mitrokostas, S. (2018, October 22). 10 subtle signs your crush just wants to be friends. Insider. Retrieved December 20, 2021, from https://www.insider.com/does-my-crush-think-of-me-as-just-a-friend-2018-10 Nicholson, J. (2016, June 29). How (and why) to play hard to get | psychology Today. Psychology Today. Retrieved December 20, 2021, from https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/the-attraction-doctor/201606/how-and-why-play-hard-get 翻译和配音:alugha 点击这里观看更多视频:https://alugha.com/Psych2Go

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