Ovladajte instalacijom i radom robotske kosilice!

Spremni da revolucionirate svoju negu travnjaka? Zaronite u naš sveobuhvatni vodič o postavljanju i radu vašeg novog robota kosilice. Od raspakivanja do programiranja, pokrivamo sve bitne stvari kako bismo osigurali da vaša robotska kosilica radi besprekorno. Naučite kako da postavite granične žice, postavite baznu stanicu i koristite aplikaciju za optimalnu kontrolu. Recite zbogom ručnoj košnji i pozdravite netaknutom travnjaku!

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EIT Health - Campus

The EIT Health Campus fosters excellence and innovation in health and business education. We develop novel and unique education programs tailored to provide future healthcare leaders and entrepreneurs, who will shape the future of European healthcare.

Mastering K-Lite Bandaging Techniques

Join us as we dive into the art of applying K-Lite bandages! In this video, we'll show you how to properly use K-Lite, a light conforming bandage with no compression, to ensure it grips comfortably while conforming to the limb. Learn the tricks to applying it with just the right amount of stretch, h

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