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Black Friday Deal:
Starter Plan, only 0.99€ / month
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*Paid yearly, applies to first year only

Għajnuna u parir dwar ix-xogħol, il-ħajja u l-ivvjaġġar fl-UE

Tixtieq tistudja, taħdem, tinnegozja jew sempliċement tivvjaġġa f'pajjiż ieħor tal-UE? Kun ċert li taf x'inhuma d-drittijiet tiegħek meta taqsam il-fruntiera, fil-post tax-xogħol tiegħek, fl-iskola ġdida tiegħek, jew mal-awtoritajiet lokali. Ipprepara lilek innifsek qabel ma tħalli pajjiżek u ċċekkja l-portal L-Ewropa Tiegħek.

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CE-e Toy Robot sings about toy safety

As part of the on-going "European Toy Safety" campaign, Directorate General Enterprise and Industry of European Commission has launched a new video informing consumers how to both buy safe toys and use them safely. The video features CE-E, a singing robot, to introduce children to the idea of toy sa