Search results for “Promotion”

Promoting A Sustainable Food Chai

Live broadcast on 31. May 2016 Debate with Mr. T. Colin Campbell, author of the bestseller "The China Study", on the field of healthy and sustainable food consumption and production with the screening of the film "Plant Pure Nation" followed by the debate Watch the "Plant Pure Nation" documentary

OwlTours 2016

Owl Tours 2016 Music licensed from, video clips licensed from and images licensed from by Raymond Silfver

DE Green at heart - Living Logistics

Saving the environment and halting climate change? It's a tall order – so can any one person's actions really make a difference? Meet DHL employees around the world who are proving just how big an impact each one of us can have. Around 550,000 people work for Deutsche Post DHL Group. Taken together

The Active Learning Method

"Active learning" means you participate, collaborate with others, and apply concepts to the real world. It requires hard mental effort but leads to better retention and an understanding of the material that can be transferred to other situations. To explain how to apply Active Learning in classrooms