Germany (DE)

Der Mannheimer Hockeyclub wurde am 18.Februar 1907 von Mitgliedern des Lawn Tennis Clubs Mannheim gegründet. Die Vereinsfarben sind bis heute die Mannheimer Stadtfarben Blau-Weiß-Rot.

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MHC Sportstunde mit Sonja Zimmermann & Danny Nguyen

Unser U10 Kindertrainer Olli Sobotta zeigt euch gemeinsam mit Sonja Zimmermann und Danny Nguyen einfache Übungen, die ihr zu Hause in eurem Zimmer oder im Garten ganz leicht nachmachen könnt. Trainiert eure Geschicklichkeit, euer Ballgefühl und eure Ausdauer. Alles was ihr dazu braucht ist ein Hocke

Focusing on: Andreu Enrich

Today, the focus is on Andreu Enrich. The coach of the Bundesliga men's team of the Mannheim Hockey Club answers questions in a very personal interview about his career, his Spanish home Terrassa and the future in the MHC.

The 2016 NH Bundesliga Cup at the Mannheim HC

Prior to the start of the 2016/2017 Bundesliga season, the NH Cup will take place in Mannheim on September 3 and 4. 12 women’s teams and 12 men’s teams from all over Germany will put their abilities to the test. This video is multilingual (in English, en Español, auf Deutsch, en Français) on alug

The 2016 Hockey Bundesliga Season

The Olympic Games are over...the Bundesliga starts! Starting September 17, the women and men of the MHC will be fighting again against the best teams in Germany for the top spot in the hockey Bundesliga. This video is multilingual (in English, en Español, auf Deutsch, en Français) thanks to alugha

BEST OF MHC - Final Four 2017 Day 1

On May 27th and 28th the FINAL FOUR took place at the Mannheimer Hockeyclub. The MHC could end the first Day successfully and qualify with both Teams, Women and Men for the individual final game the next day. Here you can find a BEST OF the first day - presented by

BEST OF MHC - Final Four 2017 Day 2

After the successful qualification for the finals, both teams of the Mannheimer Hockeyclub competed on the second day for the most wanted german championship title. The women's team lost against the UHC, while the men's team won with a spectacular 3:2 game their first german championship title ever.

Hockey Final Four 2017 (ENG)

The tickets for the field hockey event of the year 2017 at Mannheim HC were completely sold-out! 6000 fans were in attendance when Germany’s elite faced each other again on the field. This video is multilingual thanks to alugha. Learn more about us: alugha – Everyone’s langua

Honorable Celebration at the Mannheim Town Hall

Mannheim is proud that the best men’s field hockey team in Germany comes from “The City of Squares”, and it insisted on giving the MHC an honorable reception at the town hall on Wednesday May 31, 2017. The women’s team who finished as runners-up, just failing to win the title at home, was also duly

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