Actualizaciones de Alugha | Marzo 2021: qué hay de nuevo en alugha

En alugha, nos encanta la tecnología y la aprovechamos de manera creativa para que nuestros usuarios cuenten con características únicas y una experiencia cósmica.

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Por esta razón constantemente desarrollamos, retocamos, actualizamos y ampliamos nuestras herramientas y características. Los grandes cambios y las novedades se anunciarán por correo electrónico y en nuestro blog, pero a diario se producen muchas mejoras y quizás te las has perdido. También nos gusta recibir tus comentarios para, así, integrar tus ideas en nuestra plataforma. Envía tus ideas y solicitud de funciones a:

A continuación te detallamos los últimos cambios:

30 de Marzo de 2021

  • Improvement → Optimized our plans site to show net prices and different time plans
  • Fix & Improvement → Player does not leave "loading" state when switching account on SVP
  • Fix → Player does not leave "loading" state when coming to the dubbr for an uncached video
  • Improvement → Correct error / note for non-stackable codes from AppSumo
  • Fix → Switching between pages of different templates leads to blank pages
  • Fix & Improvement → Sitemaps for search engines and SEO optimized
  • Improvement → More improvements for displaying RTL on the whole alugha platform

16 de Marzo de 2021

  • Improvement → UI: new dubber toolbar and header design
    That's a cool update! Nuestro dubbr tiene cada vez más funciones, por lo que hay que seguirle la pista, y por eso hemos reorganizado la barra de herramientas. ¡ESTAMOS CONTENTOS!

  • Improvement → UI: pretty dubbr product page
  • Improvement → Vinod is not only responsible for India, but can now be found on our team page
  • Improvement → Trigger e2e pipelines in gitlab CI
  • (Security)Fix & Improvement → Sanitize user-generated input before sending it via Mail
  • Improvement → Make the global table design resemble the mockup from
  • Fix → Videos are duplicated in the alucation video overview
  • Fix & Improvement → Loudness Normalization gets distracted when the start of a track has more than a second of silence
  • Fix & Improvement → Long user names break table layout on manager page
  • Improvement → Orange info header is on top of every modal
  • Fix → Overflowing modals don't get the space they need on firefox
  • Fix → Video without dubbing segments fails to finalize
  • Fix → Dubbr introduction tour is not showing up for new users
  • Fix → New layout breaks loading animation alignment
  • Improvement → STS response can have empty voices field
  • Improvement → STT import timeline is missing a divider between the rows
  • Fix & Improvement → As a producer I don't want to export silence
    That's a cool update! Nuestro flujo de trabajo es aún más fácil. Al exportar el audio, ahora puedes ver cuántos segmentos se han grabado.

  • Improvement → As a mobile User I want to see a pretty dubbr product page, too

2 de Marzo de 2021

  • Improvement → Improve Account Management page
  • Improvement → adjusted product page for mobile devices
  • Fix & Improvement → Merge dubbed voices without losing loudness
  • Improvement → Enable end to end (e2e) testing
  • Improvement → new employees on team page
  • Fix & Improvement → improved the support for the Arabic language (RTL…)
  • Fix & Improvement →  Support chat button hovers lower button line on fullscreen modals
  • Improvement → dubbr:  Left and right columns don't align vertically

  • Fix → YT importer does not create thumbnails for videos anymore
  • Improvement → "Read more" Button on producer page is not looking too nicely with the 80% opacity
  • Fix → The redis client of graphql-server is not reconnecting on ECONNREFUSED errors
  • Improvement → As a user I want to have better insight on the accounts I'm managing
    This is a cool update! El número de usuarios que se convierten en gestores de cuentas está creciendo. Para garantizar una buena visión general, hemos rediseñado esta sección.
  • Improvement → As a user I want to know when my trashed videos will be lost forever at some point





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