Updates on alugha - Cycle February 2023 to April 2023

It used to be sprints, now it's cycles. Not only the name has changed, but also the intervals. alugha is growing up!

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First of all, the confusion! We no longer have sprints, we have switched to cycles. This is not just a new name, we have also changed internal development processes. In the past, we released an update every week. In 2016, we decided that we had built the basis and that we should now have two weeks to tackle bigger tasks. We stuck to that until 2020. But then we realized that we had accomplished so much that we now wanted to release even bigger features into the world. So, we changed it to three weeks.

Yada yada yada... In October 2022, the time had come, alugha was ready! Gradually, we prepared the development for cycles. Now, we develop for FOUR weeks and allow two weeks for extensive testing. And here's the cool thing! When something is ready, it is released. We don't insist that it has to be released at the end of a cycle.

Alright! Enough "chit-chat", it's time to get down to the important topics for you. Have we been busy in our latest cycle? Absolutely!

  • Fix → Navigation of audios in Archive is broken
  • Improvement → Audio recorder monitor and effects in the dubbr
    This is a cool update! You're too quiet! Shh! You are too loud! Unfortunately, you only hear this when you listen to the recording in dubbr, and then you just do it again. Kind of annoying! That's why we have developed a peak monitor for you. From now on, you can see during the recording if everything sounds right.
  • Fix → alugha2go menu link is not a link element
  • Improvement → Placeholder "-" instead of "0 %" when audio or subtitles are not available in the SVP statistics.
  • Fix & Improvement → Watch lists are now handled better when a video is no longer available (404)
  • Fix & Improvement → Voice popover does not disappear in dubbr
  • Fix & Improvement → Immediate paddle subscription downgrade shows the wrong effective date
    Parting hurts, but hey, as one of my fathers used to say: Don't let the door hit you on the way out. We have optimized a few things so that you can turn your back on us even faster. But we are not angry with you, come back anytime, we will be there for you.
  • Improvement → Project Folders
    This is a big update! It's about to get crazy, people! It took THREE years until we could finally release this feature. It's the first version, so it's an MVP, so please be patient! We'll keep working on it. We have finally made project folders available to you. You can now assign assets to as many projects as you like, giving you a much better overview. But enough talking, here is a video about it:

  • Improvement → On alugha2go you can now switch between "Fast" and "Pro" more easily.
  • Fix & Improvement → Better handling when there is silence in audio recordings to filter it out better
  • Improvement → Create a new dubbr publishing and download modal
    This is a big update! Yes..., there's more! We've had an MVP for the export/publishing process for a LONG time (like 1000 years or something? It feels more like 2000 years :) ). We have finally made something really cool out of it! Inspired by alugha2go, we have now adopted it almost 1:1 in the dubbr. Everything is much tidier and better structured. And similar to the ProjectFolders, this is only the first step, we are already working on the update for the update :)
  • Fix → Voice popover does not disappear in dubbr

And these are just the updates we post "publicly". There are several things coming in the next few days and weeks that will leave even us speechless! Stay tuned, create an account, get started and become multilingual!

engEnglish111 50.68%
deuDeutsch108 49.32%

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