Let's talk - Matthias

Design in time loop!

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Shortly introduce yourself: Who are you and what are you doing?

Hey, I’m Mat, 21 years young and at alugha, I am a dual mediadesign student.  

Which three keywords describe you best?

Intrinsically motivated, single-minded, absent-minded.

What is your favourite thing to do in your free time?

It is hard to find moments in which I’m not looking for opportunities to create creative content or to educate myself in getting better and better in exactly that. I also take some daily time for my competitive sports Karate and my physical fitness and health. Above that, I love to read blogs and shoot YouTube videos for my channel. 

What guided you to alugha?

Primarily Nico: He knew that alugha was looking for someone for web video production and thought, I might be the right one. :-) 

What are your tasks and what is your impression of working at alugha?

Originally, my task was “only” the web video production for our hoTodi channel, in the meantime I am also working at different projects which are also bigger, for example camera, sound, animation and graphic design. 

What do you like best about the work here?

My work is pretty versatile and diverse and offers creative challenges for me. 

Where do you see yourself and the company in the future? 

In the USA! 

What is your own big dream? 

I want to produce a low budget film, in which I want to be both, director and main character. 


engEnglish757 55.78%
deuDeutsch246 18.13%
spaEspañol156 11.5%
fraFrançais145 10.69%
catCatalà53 3.91%

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