Arthur Rewak - our designer with the love of creativity

Arthur Rewak

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How old are you? 28 years young!

Where are you from? I am born in Mannheim and very proud of that.

What’s your marital status? Happily married and father of a wonderful daughter.

What’s your profession? Visual Designer - In reality I am a certified graphic Designer, but due to the fact that I learned photography during my apprenticeship and the fact that this came with me for more than 3 years, I am also a qualified photographer. This all leads to the title visual Designer.

What are your hobbies? First of all I like to clichedly say - I turned my hobby into my profession. I love to draw, to take pictures, to create visuals and be creative - to analyse people and develop respective marketing strategies. To intellectually position a brand and lead it - everything happend coincidentally because I initially wanted to become a chef or hotel professional. But back to my hobbies:

I love music, I play the drums, drum instruments, guitar and bass. A little bit of keyboarding. I do like beatboxing, I am only a layman but it is great fun.

Basketball, Boxing are further two passions of mine.

And I am a "Season hobbyist” - because I got a lot of hobbies which come and go. Now and then I play tennis all summer long, then the next summer I love minigolf and the summer after I like going for a walk. Some things just get me hocked and I stick to it - others where just nice to know.

I like reading comics, especially the “Walking Dead” Series of Robert Kirchmann and Tony Moor. I am really fanatic about them - as I also read 3 books from this series and watched the tv series and even played it on all systems.

Do you have pets, if yes what kind? Nope

What’s your favorite sports? I can only name that categorised:
Martial Arts: Boxing
Team sports: Basketball

What’s your favorite dish? Schnitzel, cucumber salad and potatoes - chicken soup as starter

What’s your favorite drink? Um, I like to drink and I like to drink a lot, this I would also have to divide. Depending on the various weekdays and times, the favorite drink varies extremely.

Which music do you like?Up to 90% I listen to German music - 90% of that is German HipHop.

What are your favorite movies? The Shawshank Redemption, all Batman movies, Pulp Fiction, Fight Club, Inception, Forest Gump, GoodFellas, City of God, Seven, Leon, The Silence of the Lambs, American History X, allTerminator movies, Intouchables, The green Mile, Departed, Gladiator, Django, Shining, Reservoir Dogs, Braveheart, Full Metal Jacket, Snatch, Inglorious Basterds, Scarface, The wolf of Wall Street, Butterfly Effect, The hunt, Headhunters, Casino, A beauty full mind, Rocky, Rambo, La Haine and a lot more.

Who is your favorite actor? Gerad Butler, Bryan Cranston aka Heisenberg, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Sylvester Stallone, Jason Statham, Tom Cruise, Jean Claude van Damme, Viggo Mortensen, Normen Reduse, Paul Walker, Kevin Costner, Forest Whitaker, Tom Hanks, Mel Gibson, Johnny Depp, Dwayne Johnson, Al Pacino, Robert de Niro, Steve Buscemi, Quentin Tarantino, Christoph Waltz, Leonardo di Caprio, Matthias Schweighöfer uvm.

What’s your favorite colour? dark blue

Wht’s your best experience?My daughters birth

Which 3 things would you take to a lonely island? I assume that my family is already part of it :) - therefore an axe, arrow and bow and a flint.

Which computer system do you use? Mac OS X

Which smartphone/tablet do you use? iPhone and iPad

Which software do you use? Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, FinalCut Pro X, Chrome

Which video platform do you use? YouTube

Which search engine do you use? Google

Which social network do you use? Facebook, YouTube, Pinterest, Xing, Google+, Devianart

What’s your favorite news page? Google

What’s your favorite sports page? Google

What other sites do you like to watch/read? A lot of blogs about Design and Photography, like the Design Diary or Design made in Germany, Competitors. I do a lot of trend research on the web.

How did you join alugha? Well, yes, simply said: It was love at first sight. I were allowed to get to know Bernd Korz on a joined trip to Southafrica in 2011. It simply worked straight away and since then we have experienced quite a lot together. Realised a lot of projects and helped each other over and over again. It became a great friendship. .

I can remember as if it was yesterday, when Bernd visited me on a hot summer day and told me about his genius idea of alugha (at that time it did not have a name). This was my entry into alugha and I started with the normal support - and look now, alugha grew and right now there are 10 of us. .

What’s your area of responsibility within alugh? Right now I am CCO, Creative Director, Art Director, Media-Designer, Photographer and movie maker at the same time. Besides the delivery of ideas and design the visuals, I style the GmbH and its appearance. In addition to that, I support our developers to perfect the usability of our product. But this is nearly not required with such a perfect developing division and team.

How would you describe your work flow? Step by step and always think as much steps ahead as possible to reach the best for alugha as start-up.

What do you like about alugha? Alugha is young, innovative and has a smashing team. Looking at it as a whole it’s the most wicked thing I know. Alugha is an asset for the internet and for Mannheim as innovative city. For me, alugha is also Bernd Korz and he is a big part of mine since a few years. Working with him is an enrichment and always a pleasure.

Where do you see alugha in 2 years? I think alugha will be bought in one or two years and there will be great offers coming up.
engEnglish467 67.1%
deuDeutsch229 32.9%

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