Let’s talk! Nadja, globetrotter with an affinity for social media

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My name is Nadja. I’m studying media and communication studies in combination with the minor subject German studies at the university of Mannheim. This term, I’m going to write my bachelor thesis in the subject area of PO/PC (permanently online, permanently connected). Since August, I’ve been working at alugha in the fields of social media and online editorial.

Which three keywords best describe you?

Globetrotter, bookworm, cineaste

What is your favorite thing to do in your free time (as a student you still must have quite a lot of it, haven’t you :-P )?

We students don’t laze around all the time, but yes, I think we still have more time off than full time working people. My keywords already reveal three of my favorite pastimes: reading, going to the cinema and traveling to foreign countries as a backpacker. Apart from that, I like taking photos, painting landscapes with acrylic colors and swimming a few laps. And most important: spending a lot of time with my family and friends.

So there’s some time left for working… what guided you to alugha?

Yes, for sure! I have been working since I’m 13? years old. Back then, I started in the classical way by delivering papers. This was followed by quite different jobs including interpreter, Zenus-commissary, cashier in a cinema and freelancer for a daily newspaper.
I became aware of alugha through an employment ad at the job fair of my university. A start-up with an interesting business idea… my curiosity was awakened, I applied – and here I am :-)

What are your tasks at alugha?

As social media commissary, it is my main goal to take the matter of alugha, making videos on the internet multilingual, out into the world. More precisely: into the social web. Thus, I provide input for Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and co. Moreover, as online editor, I write blog articles for alugha’s homepage.

What do you like about the work here?

The easy-going, casual working atmosphere at alugha and the humorous interaction among the employees is simply great. That’s just how I imagined a start-up: fresh, innovative and lots of smart people with their heads full of creative ideas.

You already deal a lot with social media at university and at work – do social networks play a big role in your private life as well?

Nowadays, in my opinion, social media are, especially for young people, an integral part of private life and have become indispensable. I’m no exception. Privately, I communicate a lot via WhatsApp and I like spending time on Facebook and Instagram. I think it’s important to be able to put the smartphone aside for several hours, but I would very unwillingly give up my social media applications completely.

If you think about the future, where do you see yourself and the company in 10 years?

In 10 years, I see alugha’s program, to make videos on the web multilingual, as a popular tool that’s used by companies and private video bloggers equally. I’m surprised that in our globalized and technically very advanced world nobody had this idea till now. As such: it’s high time that the whole thing gets going.
As far as I’m concerned, I take the next years as they come. I want to get surprised and not know exactly where I’ll be in 10 years – otherwise life would be quite boring ;-)

The last point is about big dreams – do you have some?

At a wall in my room, I have a big world map on which I tag the countries where I have already traveled to with pins of various colors. It’s my dream that someday there’s a little pin in almost every country.
engEnglish470 79.12%
deuDeutsch124 20.88%

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