Explainity reduces complexity

Since 2011, the channel Explainity on YouTube has been explaining complex topics in an easy and compact way.

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Hello to all of you out there. Today, we will once more introduce you to a YouTube producer who makes the world a little more understandable for all of us. Nowadays, as you all know, so many things happen in the world that you can easily lose track. And if the context is lacking only once, you miss following the reporting from the beginning. And sometimes, the topics are easily way too complex or extensive for us. We neither have the time nor the desire or interest to read up on the stuff for hours.

Enter explainity. Since 2011, the channel on YouTube has been explaining complex topics in an easy and compact way. Thus, everyone can understand them and get at least a rough overview about what is currently happening in the world. As an example, you can find out the meaning of the separation of power. This is a topic which is not easy to get but it simply belongs to our general education. In a reductionistic, without bric-a-brac and above all neutral way, explainity briefly explains the most important components of the respective topic. The explainity team, whose head office is in Hamburg, gained over 73.000 subscribers and more than seven million views in about five years.

All you have to do is to sacrifice not even five minutes of your time for topics which are relevant to all of us somehow. Sooner or later, we could all be confronted with stuff like that.

Saving the best for last: problems which are important to all of us can be watched and listened to in lots of languages with alugha. Because alugha provides o n e language for all of us!

We wish you lots of fun! :-)

engEnglish996 80.84%
deuDeutsch236 19.16%

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