Our first own Merger

We got it! Our first own merger! And here is its profile:

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Nickname: “The Merge”

Date of birth: November 13, 2014

Place of birth: O7, 17 Mannheim

Place of residence: Mannheim 

Size: Fits in every browser 

Investment: Over 1500 hours

Qualities: I am a frame rate adjuster (NTSC <> PAL)

Profession: Editor

Close friends: YouTube videos, producers, audio files, Audition, Final Cut, Premiere

Things I am good at: Combining audio tracks, descriptions, thumbnails and tags of multiple videos into one single video and thus make it multilingual 

Things I would like: That you use me a lot, that I make work easier for all of you and that alugha achieves ultimate success with me 

Motto: What doesn’t fit is made to fit

Life goal: Immortality

Miscellaneous: My personality is so diverse that the profile is not enough to express my strength of character. Please continue reading, because I am unbelievably attractive. 

Does this sound familiar? You’re watching a YouTube video, but the picture and sound are completely out of sync. This can really drive you nuts. With my help, this is a thing of the past! :-) 

Because with my help, you can not only put multiple audio tracks of different languages into one video, you can also synchronize each one of them perfectly. Meaning that parts which are too long, too short, too slow, too fast or quite simply don’t fit can easily be removed or corrected.

Another top feature is that I allow you to adjust frame rates. This can easily be explained using the example of videos with different frame rates. Frame rate is defined as the frequency of pictures per second with which the video is displayed. Movies usually have a frame rate of 24 FPS (frames per second), while the valid European standard PAL (Phase-Alternating-Line) displays 25 FPS. This sounds really low at first. However, in a two-hour movie, the four percent shorter run time equals a difference of almost five minutes. 

What usually means a lot of work, is done with just a few clicks with my help! Because during my development it was exactly this problem that was carefully and thoroughly considered. Functions like cutting, trimming and moving are, of course, also included. 

I almost forgot: This whole thing directly works in the browser of your choice without any annoying, bloated and sometimes overpriced additional programs. For this reason, I am the perfect complement to alugha and fit in seamlessly with the storage, time and resource saving system. With my help, we’re becoming more and more a jack of all trades device! :-) 

And because you save even more time now than you already did, you can invest this time in even more multilingual videos on alugha! :-) 

How about a review of me, the coolest tool in the world in the browser universe? 

a - bsolutely

l - egendary

u -sability

g -uarantees

h -elpful

a -pplication

engEnglish1,117 61.61%
deuDeutsch258 14.23%
fraFrançais256 14.12%
spaEspañol141 7.78%
catCatalà41 2.26%

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