Aprendreuels conceptes bàsics sobre l'àcid estomacal com a part del tema d'àcids i bases.
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Traducció i doblatge: alugha
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Learn the basics about condensation polymerisation within the overall organic chemistry topic.
Our teachers and animators come together to make fun & easy-to-understand videos in Chemistry, Biology, Physics, Maths & ICT.
This video is part of 'Chemistry for All' - a Chemistry Education project by
Learn the basics about Energy Levels and Electron Configuration. Where do you find energy levels? How do you recognize electron configuration? Find out more in this video!
Our teachers and animators come together to make fun & easy-to-understand videos in Chemistry, Biology, Physics, Maths & ICT.
Ecosystems are large, often highly complex areas of our environment.
In this video we learn how abiotic and biotic factors interact with one another in a ecosystem, how trophic levels work, and how various factors in an ecosystem lead to evolution of species through different selection pressures.