
自我完善对人类来说并不是什么新现象。你会在广告中一次又一次地看到生活比我们 “更好” 的人。但是自我完善的文化会让你感到无能为力,就好像你应该成为别人一样。观看此视频,了解原因。 注意:如果这些迹象适用于您,请不要将此视为对您的攻击。该视频旨在为那些感到有点困惑的人提供自我完善的指南。 作者:Max Gustova 剧本编辑:Isadora Ho 剧本经理:Kelly Soong 画外音(英文版):Amanda Silvera 动画师:Naphia YouTube 经理:Cindy Cheong 来源: C, W., 2019. 5 ways personal development makes your life worse, not better. Medium. Available at: bettermarketing.pub/5-ways-personal-development-makes-your-life-worse-not-better-1ad6dbe75a5c. Fulton, W., 2021. Why you shouldn’t waste your time on self-improvement. Medium. Available at: medium.com/elevate-yourself/why-you-shouldnt-waste-your-time-on-self-improvement-6353c2953094. Lynch, M., 2020. Why constant self-improvement may be bad sometimes. Lifehack. Available at: www.lifehack.org/882457/constant-self-improvement. Marino, A., 2021. 6 popular SELF-IMPROVEMENT tips that are a waste of time! I Am Alpha M. Available at: alpham.com/6-popular-self-improvement-tips-that-are-a-waste-of-time/. 翻译和配音:alugha 点击这里观看更多视频:https://alugha.com/Psych2Go

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