9 个迹象表明你有未愈合的创伤

如果不及时治疗,创伤后应激障碍不太可能消失,并且很可能导致慢性疼痛、抑郁、药物滥用和睡眠问题,从而损害一个人的工作和与他人互动的能力。未经治疗的创伤后应激障碍的一些症状可能包括:抵制积极的变化,想计划一切,对失败或成功有强烈的恐惧,难以集中精力,难以寻求帮助,自我伤害等 免责声明:如果你看了这个视频,觉得你可能患有未经治疗的创伤后应激障碍,最好咨询专业人士。 作者:Chloe Avenasa 剧本编辑:Rida Batool 和 Kelly Soong 英语配音:Amanda Silvera 动画:Evelvaii YouTube 经理:Cindy Cheong Herman, J. L. (1998). Recovery from psychological trauma. Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences, 52(S1), S98-S103. Stanculescu, E. (2013). University students’ fear of success from the perspective of positive psychology. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 78, 728-732. Bower, G. H., & Sivers, H. (1998). Cognitive impact of traumatic events. Development and psychopathology, 10(4), 625-653. Low, G., Jones, D., MacLeod, A., Power, M., & Duggan, C. (2000). Childhood trauma, dissociation and self‐harming behaviour: A pilot study. British Journal of Medical Psychology, 73(2), 269-278. David, M., Ceschi, G., Billieux, J., & Van der Linden, M. (2008). Depressive symptoms after trauma: is self-esteem a mediating factor?. The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 196(10), 735-742. American Psychological Association (2013). Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders – 5th Edition. Washington, DC; APA Publishing. 翻译和配音:alugha 点击这里观看更多视频:https://alugha.com/Psych2Go

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