5 Signs of the Empath's Dark Side

Empaths are kind, caring, nurturing and loyal friends. Empaths are seen as dependable and trustworthy because they make others feel safe. But being exposed to other people's emotions at all times is exhausting. This gift of hyper-empathy has negative side effects. Not only can the empath become emotionally exhausted, but also they can become so absorbed in other people's emotions that they forget to take care of your own. These are five dark sides of being an empath. Disclaimer: This video is not to attack anyone who may display these signs but to help us understand and bring awareness to these darker aspects." Writer: Sara Del Villar Script Editor: Morgan Franz Script Manager: Kelly Soong Voice Over: Amanda Silvera Animator: Sam Rain YouTube Manager: Cindy Cheong REFERENCES: Garis, Mary Grace. “The Dark Empath Personality Merges Empathy With Dark Triad Traits-and That Spells Trouble.” Well+Good, 2 Sept. 2020, www.wellandgood.com/dark-empath/. On Track. “10 Signs of The Empath Dark Side.” YouTube, YouTube, 10 Dec. 2020, www.youtube.com/watch?v=UPgbIPujgSM&feature=youtu.be. Orloff, Judith. “The Science Behind Empathy and Empaths.” Psychology Today, Sussex Publishers, 3 Mar. 2017, www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/the-empaths-survival-guide/201703/the-science-behind-empathy-and-empaths. Promises Behavioral Health. “The Hazards of Being an Empath.” Promises Behavioral Health, 18 Jan. 2020, www.promisesbehavioralhealth.com/addiction-recovery-blog/the-hazards-of-being-an-empath/#:~:text=Given%20these%20risks%2C%20it’s%20not,Orloff%20notes. Rajmohan, V, and E Mohandas. “Mirror neuron system.” Indian journal of psychiatry vol. 49,1 (2007): 66-9. doi:10.4103/0019-5545.31522 Zahid, Arslan. “The Dark Side of Empaths.” Medium, Medium, 28 June 2017, medium.com/@arslion/the-dark-side-of-empaths-8380d4d9a13b. Transcript: alugha Click here to see more videos: https://alugha.com/Psych2Go

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