10 суровых истин, которые нужно принять для счастливой жизни
Тебе когда-нибудь хотелось получить ответы на все вопросы жизни, и ты бы мог использовать эти знания, чтобы пройти через взлеты и падения? Какие жизненные уроки мы усваиваем слишком поздно? Если ты осознаешь это уже сейчас, то, возможно, пройдешь эту часть своей жизни немного легче.
Writer: Joshua Munoz
Script Editor: Vanessa Tao
Script Manager: Kelly Soong
VO: Amanda Silvera
Animator: Bry Gavino
YouTube Manager: Cindy Cheong
Thumbnail by: Billie https://instagram.com/billm1ll
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Перевод и редаб: alugha
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Have you ever felt this nagging feeling that even though some people might say they’re your friends, they don’t really mean it? Ever get the sense that there are some people in your life who might be harboring some ill will towards you? Or secretly want you out of their group but don’t just come out
In this video, we're going to take a look at the shocking effects of caffeine on mental health. We're going to discuss how caffeine can affect your mood, cognitive function, and sleep. If you're like most people, you probably drink coffee to boost your energy levels. But is that really a good idea?
Have you ever been told you’re an old soul? Being an old soul means you think and behave more maturely than people your age typically do. You have more knowledge and wisdom than expected and act accordingly. Watch this if you’re curious to find out whether you’re an old soul.
Writer: Lily Mentri