Mjerenje preostale vlage u drvu za ogrjev

Posljednjih nekoliko tjedana bio sam zauzet radom u svojoj maloj šumi. Uklonio sam nekoliko mrtvih stabala, a zatim ispilio i nacijepao drva. Sada sam morao saznati koliko bi drvo zapravo trebalo biti vlažno i kako mogu izmjeriti takozvanu preostalu vlagu. Odlučio sam kupiti mali, praktičan uređaj od Brennenstuhla za oko 13 eura. Trebate Vam samo blok baterija od 9 volta i spremni ste za rad. Zabavite se gledajući! Amazon poveznice (udružene): Brennenstuhl mjerač vlage -> https://amzn.to/3BHVc92 Blok baterije -> https://amzn.to/30qbLZx

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More videos by this producer

Rose Arch assembly

Today, the chicken fence is decoratively complemented by a rose arch. Thanks to its struts, it offers plenty of space and support for roses and other climbing plants. In this video you can see how to assemble it and if the whole thing is stable. Assembly takes about 20-30 minutes and all you need

Planting shrubs

My forest needs insects, and to attract them I need to get busy again. To do this, I got myself a few shrubs I want to plant today. In this video you'll learn how to do it and what you need to keep in mind.