Have you ever felt that “introvert” or “extrovert” doesn’t fully describe you? Do you feel that your introversion fluctuates often, depending on the people around you or the time you interacted with people? If you don’t stand out on one side of the spectrum, you’re probably an ambivert. Here are a few signs.
Disclaimer: This video is for educational purposes and is based on personal opinions. This video is not a substitute for professional advice, but general guidance. We advise you to always listen to your intuition and always do what is right for you.
Writer: Joshua Munoz
Script Editor: Caitlin McColl
Script Manager: Kelly Soong
VO: Amanda Silvera (www.youtube.com/amandasilvera)
Animator: Sam Rain ( https://twitter.com/sadsamrain )
YouTube Manager: Cindy Cheong
Sinrich, J. (Aug 4 2021) 10 Signs You’re an Ambivert. RD. Retrieved at www.rd.com/list/signs-youre-an-ambivert/
Goldman, R. (Nov 6, 2018) 5 Signs That You May Be an Ambivert. Healthline. Retrieved at www.healthline.com/health/health-ambivert
Koutsky, J. (Jul 28, 2021) Are You An Ambivert? Retrieved at parade.com/1224222/judykoutsky/ambivert-signs/
Gino, F. (Mar 16, 2015) Introverts, Extroverts, and the Complexities of Team Dynamics. HBR. Retrieved at hbr.org/2015/03/introverts-extroverts-and-the-complexities-of-team-dynamics
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