Los cerebritos y los que no lo son han disfrutado de la película Pantera Negra, de Marvel y se asombraron de lo maravilloso que es Wakanda. Pero, ¿y si esta nación africana ficticia existiese de verdad? ¡Veamos! If this kind of thing interests you, head on over to Top 10 Nerd. It’s a sister channel, hosted by Roya Destroyaa, Kelly Paoli, and yours truly, where we talk about all things nerd, from comic books to anime, to Harry Potter. I’ll see you over there. But for now, get ready, it’s time to ask the question: What if Wakanda was Real?
Haz clic para ver más vídeos: https://alugha.com/LifesBiggestQuestions
¿Y si los superhéroes existiesen?: https://alugha.com/videos/96f49db1-4bcd-11e9-ac2a-53357098fefd
Landon Dowlatsingh - http://bit.ly/2bwFVhQ
ACTOR DE DOBLAJE (versión inglesa):
Ron McKenzie-Lefurgey: https://twitter.com/ron_mckenzie_
Lucy McPhee
Liam Collens- https://www.instagram.com/liam.collens/
There has recently been a meme circulating, telling of how FBI agents are out there, monitoring us through various means. But is this just a harmless meme, or is the FBI really spying on innocent citizens? Let’s find out.
Click here to see more videos: https://alugha.com/LifesBiggestQuestions
Antman – the tiniest superhero in the hood – a symbol that size doesn’t matter…but sadly he doesn’t exist… but what if he did?
Click here to see more videos: https://alugha.com/LifesBiggestQuestions
Landon Dowlatsingh - http://bit.ly/2bwFVhQ
Rebecca Felgate- http://bit
What would happen if the planet Venus got nuked away? What effect will it have on our planet earth and for our solar system? Watch to find out as we ask the question: What If We Nuked Venus?
Click here to see more videos: https://alugha.com/LifesBiggestQuestions
Landon Dowlatsingh