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Which equipment is useful for synchronisation?

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If you think, that producing multilingual videos is only possible with the help of a ragbag of audio technique, you are mistaken. Preliminary we can definitely reveal: You do not need a soundproof room. A microphone obviously belongs to the basic equipment and is the basis of the whole audio work.  So now you have a device with which you can record the sound with. So that the sound is not distorted by the microphone and the sound does not generate noise, it is advisable to use a sound isolation. This is hitched to the microphone and  filters by breaking the sound waves all the unwanted background noise.

The correct position

When recording you should watch out that you are in the correct position. The audio file can be recorded while staying or sitting. In general: The microphone should not be placed directly on the mouth, rather close to the chin. So you always maintain the same distance to the device and take it with you when turning the head. If the microphone is fixed to a tripod, the head should stay in place, otherwise no one hears what you say. Of course you have to transfer the audio of your recording device to your computer. This works with a XLR-cable, professionals do not use a mini-jack-cable anymore. The XLR-cable transmits the data much better than every other cable and ensures that the sound is transmitted chrystal clear. But to transfer the sound to your computer an adapter is necessary. Now quickly organise a microphone tripod and you are ready for recording. But which software should I use for the actual audio recording? We recommend the Audacity-tool (free to use for every operating system), you can record your audio files and re-work them. Of course it is possible to rework every part of the audio file and to put a dubbed audio track on top of the original. With this you get the possibility to review the audio tracks parallel, which makes personal amendments much easier. It’s still necessary to translate the text which should be dubbed by yourself. Here you have two possibilities: Either you speak sequence by sequence or you record everything in one go. The first variant offers the advantage to play with single parts of the audio track individually. With ongoing recording the possibility to make a slip of the tongue is much higher. Of course you can cut the recording within the audio track and you can correct it afterwards. It is not necessary to record everything completely new. It’s now just the fine tuning. Because we usually talk and record in different dynamics, the voice over has to be amended from time to time. Usually the normal volume when talking is at a value of -0.2 to -0.5 decibel. With audacity it is possible to normalise every sequence of the audio track. Now add a little bass and you have ab brilliant sound. Good luck!

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