Audio descriptions and accessibility

This article clarifies the importance and purpose behind audio descriptions with regard to accessibility.

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Why do you need audio descriptions for accessibility?

A lot of things aren't as accessible online for visually impaired people as they are for others - for that exact reason there are audio descriptions, which will be put to use a lot more in the future, due to the accessibility strengthening act, which will be put into effect in 2025, with the goal of establishing a new standard for digital accessibility.

So - what is an audio description?

An audio description can be described as another audio track which relays any visual information that otherwise wouldn't be communicated for visually impaired people, through descriptions during breaks from speaking in the original audio track.

One problem that may arise here is a lack of pauses during dialogue, since the visual descriptions have to occur in between dialogue - to solve this issue one can either upload the video again with artificially prolonged pauses at points where a visual description is appropriate, or one could create a single audio track, directly containing an audio description.

What examples exist for already established audio descriptions?

Audio descriptions have been on television for quite a while already - on channels like, for example, the ARD-channel, a history of broadcasts with audio descriptions can be traced.

For years, cinema, shows, etc. have had the extra option of choosing an additional audio track with audio descriptions - for that exact reason one has to ask themselves why this is so rarely the case online, at least so far.

With regard to the development of artificial intelligence, it can be expected that soon enough, it might be used to provide an automatically generated audio description, which would significantly ease the process, especially over the course of many videos, as well as decreasing the costs that would otherwise result from the additional effort of an audio description created by humans.


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