That's why we constantly develop, tweak, update and expand our tools and features. Big changes and new feature releases will be announced via email and in our blog section, but there are a lot of improvements happening on a daily basis that you might have missed. We also enjoy receiving your feedback so that we can integrate your ideas into our platform. Send your ideas and feature requests to:
You can read up on the latest changes below.
28 September 2020
Improvement: (For the page management) implement UI on the adminPage to make some videoOverview sections dynamic
Improvement: implement graphql part to manage admin-VideoOverviewPage
Improvement: Replace marketplace buttons with general shared buttons (unify buttons)
Improvement: Refactor marketplace card component
Improvement: Reduce watchlist & alucation query data That's a cool update! We've improved performance dramatically and we've tidied up the Watchlists.
Improvement: Limit Tags and Categories for assets
Improvement & Fix: Archive - removed videos list does not sort entries by last-modified descending
Fix: new_publisher did not let regular users convert their YouTube videos
Improvement & Fix: clean up asset mutation imports
Fix: collaboration ui breaks for pending invites
Fix: SVP throws an error
21 September 2020
Improvement: "Beliebte Kanäle" in der Videoübersicht That's a cool update! You now can see trending video producers in our video overview. Trends are defined by the total number of views on the website, so you can see which producer is the most popular on alugha.
Fix & Improvement: Move UUID validation to schema level
Improvement: Replace JS calculations with media queries on watchlist cards
Fix: Auth directive with role parameter does not work correctly
Fix: First Name and Last Name input fields are not getting initialized properly
Improvement: Add "video" translation
Improvement: Enhance user admin page That's a cool update!This is not that relevant at first glance for you as a user, but we made some changes to our admin-interface. Now alugha can react much faster to your needs.
Improvement: lower threshold for sidechain compression
Improvement: update graphql error message name in useNotification hook
Improvement: Publish the Publisher That's a big update!There it is! A huge step for the new publisher is taken! This part of alugha was the last big chunk still written in angular, but now is working on react. Rewriting this bit we also rethought the whole concept an optimized the process based on what we learned so far. There are two functions missing in the new publisher, but as soon as their online, you'll be very happy about everything, like we are now!
Phase #1: Publishing an article, uploading a video or importing a video (currently from YouTube)
Phase #2: Thumbnail, title and video language
Phase #3: Edit general information (valid for YouTube and also self hosted videos)
Phase #3a: Uploading a self hosted video you can place it directly on our Marketplace
Fix & Improvement: AI/STT → Send NATS reply instead of publishing on a fixed response subject
Fix & Improvement: Make graphql listen to NATS replies, instead of subjects
Fix: View documents set the ownerId to the track owner
14 September 2020
Improvement: As alugha I want to check on used S2T minutes
Fix & Improvement: Marketplace crashes when trying to query for asset that has a waveform representation
Improvement: Remove "Draft" from video states
Improvement: As a user, I want a video to start in Full HD and then adapt to my bandwidth That's a cool update! Our player works perfectly in adaptive streaming. Up to this update, we started videos with 360p and after a few seconds raised the video quality up to 2k depending on the stats of the user. For some time now, we collect much less user data and can only save them if the user agrees to the cookie settings. But to offer the best service also to those users who don't accept the cookies, we now do a quick performance check at the beginning of every video and start it directly in the best possible video quality.
Fix: Add enum for delete asset errors
Fix: Fix login issues
Fix: Fix typo in library
Fix: Downloadassetbutton chokes on library picked assets
Improvement: As a user, I want to change the video playback rate in the player That's a big update! User kept asking us if we couldn't offer the possibility to change the playing speed of a video. Well, sure... we can! And we did - you can choose between these playing speeds: 0,25x - 0,5x - 0,75x - 1x - 1,25x - 1,5x - 1,75x - 2x.
07 September 2020
Improvement: Investigate dropping the mp3 encoder completely and only use Flac That's a cool update! The first version of the dubbr used flac and mp3 file formats. Nowadays, all relevant browser can handle flac files, so we dismissed mp3 formats saving a lot of storage space (and we love that!) and adding some more performance to the current dubbr.
Remove translator job offers
Fix: Let dubbr onboarding use linker instead of relative url
Improvement: Product pages call-to-action is confusing users
Fix & Improvement: Added note for delete asset and refactore component
Fix: Fix broken watchlist cards on alucation
Improvement: As an alugha user, I want to be able to download track audio That's a cool update!This week is another highlight. Your audio file is final with all segments, exported and available on your multilingual video. But you want to use the audio file also elsewhere. Now you can download your audio files on your computer as AAC(LC) with 48kHz samplerate and variable bit rate.
“Management is the art of orchestrating best possible collaboration in an organization.” Where this “art” (for me) combines both, the willingness and the ability to act. Both have to be reflected in the two main areas of management: in the function “management” (the “how” and “what”) and the instit
Alugha is a video translation tool that streamlines the production and collaboration process for high-quality content tailored to international audiences. Learn more at:
You’re ready to share your videos with the whole wide world.
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A revolutionary new service in the video industry!
Our report is about the unique alugha platform. Alugha gives you the tools to make your videos multilingual and provide them in the language of your viewers.
Learn more about the great features of the platform here: