The alugha player - We tickle the keys

Besides the keyboard, the mouse is the most important computer input device. But doing everything with the mouse can be cumbersome here and there. Our latest video player update adds keyboard support and autoplay.

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We overcome additional barriers in the player

Who hasn’t experienced this: you are watching a video and would like to fast forward or jump to a specific time, change the volume or simply toggle fullscreen? Of course, our video player has always supported these functions, but so far only with your mouse. In the last 6 weeks, we have been working intensively on many player updates including keyboard shortcuts. Especially people with visual impairment asked us to add these functions and and so make controlling the player easier.

Besides, we’ve built in some other functions that we had in mind for some time.

Keyboard shortcuts

0 - 9 = Jump to a certain time in the video in %. Meaning, if you press 5,  you’ll jump to the middle of the video (50%). 

M = Mute on/off 

F = Fullscreen - on/off

Up/Down arrow = Increase/Decrease volume 10%

Spacebar  = Play / Pause

Left/Right arrow = Seek backward/forward 5 seconds


Autoplay is a cool thing. Now, when you visit the video page, the video will automatically played for you in your preferred language. 

Progress bar

Now, when you hover with the mouse on the progress bar below the player its size will be increased by 10px, so it’s easier for you to control it.

Timestamp + Duration

In addition to volume, you can now also see the total length of the video as well as the current position.

Buffering volume, timestamp and estimated bandwidth

When you view a video, alugha remembers your last set video resolution and volume. The next time you click on a video on our site, it then directly starts for you with these settings.

In addition to all these features, we’ve also added many small fixes, security updates, performance and stability improvements so that watching multilingual videos on alugha will be even more pleasant and enjoyable for you.

Player feature list 

If you have ever asked yourself, what our player is actually capable of, here’s a list for you:

  • Video resolution up to 4K UHD
  • Adaptive streaming
  • Detecting the highest possible resolution and buffering
  • HLS and mpeg DASH support
  • iOS and Android support
  • Multi-track audio
  • Multilingual videos




engEnglish562 44.15%
deuDeutsch298 23.41%
araالعربية73 5.73%
rusРусский71 5.58%
zho中文64 5.03%
spaEspañol58 4.56%
hinहिन्दी53 4.16%
porPortuguês51 4.01%
turTürkçe43 3.38%

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