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Interest is the amount charged by a lender to a borrower. It means that if you borrow some money from a bank, you have to pay back more than the money you borrowed. Equally, if you have a savings account and deposit some money, the bank will pay you interest as a sort of thank you for saving with th
In this video we are going to look at a few different ways in which plant hormones can be used.
Plant growth hormones (auxins) can be used as selective weedkillers. The selective weedkillers contain growth hormones, that cause the weeds to grow really quickly. This means the weed is absorbing nutr
Algebraic fractions are simply fractions with algebraic expressions either on the top, bottom or both. We treat them in the same way as we would numerical fractions.
In this video we look at how to simplify algebraic fractions, and how to add and subtract them.
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