6 Signs Someone Likes You But Is Afraid of Rejection

Have you ever thought someone liked you? Only to find they’d pull away right when you were emotionally connecting? Maybe they were giving you mixed signals. Or maybe you have a hunch they might be afraid of rejection. Here are a few common signs someone likes you but is afraid of rejection. Writer: Michal Mitchell Script Editor & Manager: Kelly Soong Voice: Amanda Silvera Animator: Aury YouTube Manager: Cindy Cheong References: Boyd, A. (2019, July 23). Getting Mixed Signals? Signs He's Falling In Love But Scared. Betterhelp. www.betterhelp.com/advice/love/getting-mixed-signals-signs-hes-falling-in-love-but-scared/. Brown, L. (2021, February 7). 19 surprising signs he likes you but is afraid of rejection. Hack Spirit. hackspirit.com/18-signs-he-likes-you-but-afraid-of-rejection/. Transcript: alugha Click here to see more videos: https://alugha.com/Psych2Go

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