
高度敏感的人(HSP)占全世界所有人的 15-20%,既是 HSP 又具有强烈个性的人更为罕见。你认为自己是一个高度敏感的人(HSP)吗?你是那些认为敏感性弱点的人吗?如果是这样,那可能不完全正确。一个人可以同时敏感又坚强,尤其是善解人意的人。观看此视频,看看你是否识熟悉其中的一些迹象。 #hsp #empath #strongpersonality #psych2go 团队 作者:Chloe Avenasa 脚本编辑:Rida Batool & Kelly Song 配音:Amanda Silvera(英语) 动画师:Drean(新动画师) 修订后的缩略图:Cindy Cheong YouTube 经理:Cindy Chong 参考资料: Aron, E. N. (1996). Counseling the highly sensitive person. Counseling and Human Development, 28, 1-7. Aron, E. (1999). The Highly Sensitive Person’s Workbook: The Practical Guide for Highly Sensitive People and HSP Support Groups. Broadway Books. Aron, E. (2001). The highly sensitive person in love: Understanding and managing relationships when the world overwhelms you. Harmony. Cooper, T. (2015). The Ordinary Magic of Resilience and the Highly Sensitive Person. The Guilford Press, New York: NY. Piechowski, M. M. (1997). Emotional giftedness: The measure of intrapersonal intelligence. Handbook of gifted education, 2, 366-381. Sand, I. (2016). Highly Sensitive People in an Insensitive World: How to Create a Happy Life. Jessica Kingsley Publishers. Zeff, T. (2004). The Highly Sensitive Person’s Survival Guide: Essential Skills for Living Well in an Overstimulating World. New Harbinger Publications 你想与我们的团队联系吗?发送电子邮件至 editorial@psych2go.net 文本:由 alugha 修改/更正 点击这里查看更多视频:https://alugha.com/Psych2Go

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