Erfahre, wie man kubische Parabeln mit Hilfe einer Wertetabelle zeichnet.
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Übersetzung und Dubbing: alugha
Learn the basics about the polymerisation of ethene as a part of organic chemistry.
Our teachers and animators come together to make fun & easy-to-understand videos in Chemistry, Biology, Physics, Maths & ICT.
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This video is part of 'Chemistry for All' - a
Learn the basics about the atom economy principle of Green Chemistry, as a part of environmental chemistry.
A reaction with a high atom economy is one where all of the atoms in the reactants are included in the final, desired product. Such a reaction would have little, if any, waste produced.
In this video we look at the different stages that happen inside the sewage plant, from separating the large objects to the smaller debris. Sedimentation tanks, anaerobic digesters, pumps and machinery are used.
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