0:04 → 0:06
masculine_0Hey guys. Steven here. In the last video,
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masculine_0we talked about what is the greatest calling of the Christian husband and father,
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masculine_0and that's to be the spiritual leader of the home and to disciple your family on a regular basis.
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masculine_0The hard part of that is getting started.
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masculine_0In this video, I'm going to talk about the three key elements of daily family worship today.
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masculine_0I'm also going to take you up to the hill.
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masculine_0I never pointed out another area where it's easier to access the bamboo,
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masculine_0and the last time it was hot,
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masculine_0humid and there were mosquitoes aplenty.
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masculine_0So hopefully today it's a little bit easier as I try to gather some bamboo.
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masculine_0So join me for this adventure and let's get going.
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masculine_0Don't go over there.
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masculine_0All right, Now that we've harvest the bamboo,
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masculine_0we're going to cut off the limbs because we don't need those,
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masculine_0and it's just extra weight and friction as we're taking it down to the house.
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masculine_0So let's go ahead and cut this stuff up.
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masculine_0All right, So what are the three elements of family worship?
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masculine_0The first one
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masculine_0is prayer.
4:58 → 5:01
masculine_0The Bible says that we are supposed to pray without ceasing.
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masculine_0That's in First Thessalonians 517.
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masculine_0I like how John Piper describes prayer like a a wartime walkie-talkie.
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masculine_0It should be done in light of our overall mission in life,
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masculine_0that his name be glorified and that we might be that we might live for fruitful ministry.
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masculine_0So I like that
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masculine_0this injury is helpful because it reminds us that we are in a war and our children someday will leave our home and enter the world and we need to train them how to use their walkie
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masculine_0talkies. Well,
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masculine_0I think an important part of prayer as a family is to help train the kids to pray,
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masculine_0especially when they're younger and they don't know how to do it.
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masculine_0You can model it for them. The 2nd element of family worship is reading the Bible.
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masculine_0The sad thing is,
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masculine_0in the Christian Church, a lot of Bible reading is done mostly at church.
5:56 → 6:00
masculine_0And have they ever in the home besides personal devotions?
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masculine_0But if we want to equip our children
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masculine_0productive, fruitful lives,
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masculine_0for effective lives in the Kingdom of God,
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masculine_0we got to train them how to apply God's word to every area of their life.
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masculine_0And So what better way to do that than to read the Bible at home as a family on a daily basis?
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masculine_0The Bible is our standard.
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masculine_0It is
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masculine_0a light, a lamp into our feet and a light into our path.
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masculine_0God's Word is like A2 edged sword.
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masculine_0Second Timothy 316 says that all scripture is freed out by God and profitable for teaching,
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masculine_0for proof, for correction, and for training and righteousness,
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masculine_0that the man of God may be competent or complete equipped for every good work.
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masculine_0I love that verse. And an important part of this,
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masculine_0I think, is having, you know,
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masculine_0enlisting the men as the spiritual leaders of the home,
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masculine_0for them to take the initiative and say, OK,
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masculine_0as As for me and my family,
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masculine_0we will serve the Lord and we're going to read the Bible on a daily basis.
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masculine_0That is powerful.
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masculine_0There are two steps to make once you've decided to read the Bible to your family,
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masculine_0Number one, you got to decide how you're going to go through the Bible.
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masculine_0I believe in the saying that says a whole Bible makes a whole Christian.
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masculine_0So there are some Bible reading plans where it starts in Genesis and just go straight through Revelation.
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masculine_0And other ones have a mixture, maybe
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masculine_0a portion of the Old Testament and followed by a portion from the New Testament.
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masculine_0So you got to really decide what you think is the best for your family.
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masculine_0In my family we just read from Genesis to Revelation.
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masculine_0That just makes it simpler for us. But you can feel free to do Old Testament,
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masculine_0New Testament, Old Testament, New Testament,
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masculine_0But just to be consistent and not skip any parts,
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masculine_0even the parts that you think are more difficult.
7:58 → 8:00
masculine_0You don't have to understand at all.
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masculine_0It's just important that our kids hear the whole Bible.
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masculine_0So the second part of reading the Bible to your family,
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masculine_0the second decision you have to make is at what speed,
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masculine_0at what pace you're going to go through the Bible.
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masculine_0And that's really going to depend on the season of your life,
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masculine_0the age of your children,
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masculine_0your own family's circumstances, and everybody's different as a family.
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masculine_0You're probably not going to be reading through the Bible once a year.
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masculine_0That's a pretty heavy load, so I recommend stretching it out over the course of several years.
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masculine_0And two things to remember.
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masculine_0Every family is going to be different, so don't feel like you have to have it perfect at the beginning and be open to to change.
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masculine_0Be flexible and if you see it,
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masculine_0your family is dozing off because the scripture is that you're reading it too long or there's not enough discussion,
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masculine_0go ahead and make adjustments to that. So as you're reading the Bible to your family on a daily basis,
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masculine_0just make sure that you allow for questions and a time of discussion.
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masculine_0Don't just read through it and just stop and then move on.
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masculine_0It's really important that we discuss these things with our children,
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masculine_0with our wives. It's really going to stick a lot deeper and it's going to be more concrete.
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masculine_0We're going to remember the words a lot more.
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masculine_0And in preparation for a family worship,
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masculine_0go ahead and read the portion that you plan on reading your family,
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masculine_0and you can do that in your own devotions before the family wakes up.
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masculine_0So come over ahead of time
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masculine_0and then if you want to, you can always look at a Bible.
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masculine_0You can go through a Bible commentary or Bible dictionary to get more details and background on the portion that you're reading.
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masculine_0So that way your family is getting more out of the Bible reading.
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masculine_0So those are just some tips for preparation.
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masculine_0One of the best tips and tricks put the Bible close to where you do the family devotions.
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masculine_0But just a final reminder about the preparations.
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masculine_0Never ever make the excuse that because you haven't prepared for the daily family worship that you're not going to do it.
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masculine_0And the third part of daily family devotions is singing songs to God in Psalm 96 two it says sing to the Lord,
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masculine_0bless his name, tell of his salvation from day-to-day.
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masculine_0It is good to give thanks to the Lord.
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masculine_0This thing praises to your name almost high.
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masculine_0That's Psalm 92.1.
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masculine_0So we sing songs at church.
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masculine_0We should do it at home.
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masculine_0Think of a troop,
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masculine_0a soldiers out on their morning run.
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masculine_0What are they doing? They're singing songs in the same way we Christians,
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masculine_0we have our marching songs and those are worship songs.
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masculine_0Those are hymns. Those are the psalms.
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masculine_0And as we sing those to God, it lists the soul.
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masculine_0It gives us encouragement. Peace keeps us focused and alert and gives us strength to persevere in hard time.
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masculine_0So let's fill our homes with joyful singing everyday.
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masculine_0Try to make it enjoyable for everyone.
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masculine_0You can ask different family members if they have songs that they like to sing.
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masculine_0Try to keep it short and sweet.
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masculine_0You know if you're singing older songs and you've got 5 stones,
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masculine_05 verses,
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masculine_0I don't recommend you singing all 5 verses.
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masculine_0The important thing is to start with what you've got.
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masculine_0So if all you've got is Jesus Loves Me,
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masculine_0this I know, or Amazing Grace and just start with that.
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masculine_0So if there are family members that can play an instrument like piano or guitar,
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masculine_0go ahead and encourage that in your family worship.
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masculine_0Just be careful not to turn it into a jam session or just time to have solos.
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masculine_0The focus is on God and not on man.
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masculine_0So maybe if no one can play an instrument in your family,
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masculine_0but you still like to sing along with music by listening to a CD or an MP3
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masculine_0is a great idea as well.
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masculine_0And eventually it'd be nice if you could buy a hymnal or some song books for your family.
11:55 → 12:00
masculine_0So that way you have stuff ready and on hand every time you do family worship.
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masculine_0And it's a really good idea. If you could eventually make your own family song book your own family hymnal,
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masculine_0that about wraps it up for today. I just want to remind you in conclusion,
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masculine_0the three main elements of family worship are prayer,
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masculine_0reading God's word and singing. Songs start today,
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masculine_0and that might mean before you go to bed.
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masculine_0It might be in after dinner. Some of you guys get home from work and you're dead tired.
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masculine_0That's fine. Just find a good time. When you do have energy,
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masculine_0and if that's in the morning around the breakfast table,
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masculine_0then do that before everybody heads off to school and to work.
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masculine_0Open up the words of God and read.
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masculine_0Sing a couple songs and pray together as a family.
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masculine_0It will change your family like nothing else.
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masculine_0I guarantee it. So here's the challenge.
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masculine_0I want you to start today, Pick a time,
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masculine_0even if it's 5 minutes, and tell your family today.
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masculine_0Starting today, we're going to do something new in the family.
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masculine_0As the spiritual head of our family, I have made a decision that we're going to do this on a daily basis.
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masculine_0You might forget sometimes,
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masculine_0but going to try to be consistent.
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masculine_0And if we forget or if we miss a couple days,
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masculine_0that's OK. We're going to keep on going because this is what God has called us to do.
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masculine_0This is the Christian life and it's built on a foundation of coming for the Lord daily,
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masculine_0depending on him, reading his word,
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masculine_0praising him and praying.
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masculine_0Thank you so much for watching today. I appreciate it.
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masculine_0If you want those extra resources like the Bible,
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masculine_0reading plans and some music that you can use in your family worship,
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masculine_0go ahead and check out my website. I have a link down in the description area below.
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masculine_0I'm Steven, your brother in the journey.
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masculine_0Keep fighting the good fight of faith and we'll see you guys next time.