0:01 → 0:07
masculine_0Hey guys, Steven here. Our dog's a little bit excited today because the chicks have arrived.
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masculine_0So here we have 20 male chicks.
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masculine_0This guy just pulled up to our to our house and his back to the back of the station wagon was full of different kinds of chicks that we were planning on buying some some
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masculine_0broilers, some meat hens when we got back from the States and when we came back to Taiwan.
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masculine_0But a week or two after we got back from Taiwan,
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masculine_0a typhoon hit. And so I'm going to show you real quickly what that typhoon looks like.
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masculine_0Everyone, Steven here. Today is a day with a typhoon.
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masculine_0I've got the dead cat on the microphone,
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masculine_0so I'm not sure if that's helping with the wind at all.
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masculine_0Let's check out the type of
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masculine_0The typhoon is gone today,
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masculine_0so let's look at the damage and see what happened.
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masculine_0The first thing I want to show you is my beloved chicken tractor of two years.
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masculine_0It used to be square.
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masculine_0Now it's more like an Octagon. Oh,
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masculine_0it has broken in so many places.
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masculine_0Boom, busted. Boom,
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masculine_0busted. Boom,
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masculine_0busted. So basically every corner
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1:51 → 1:53
masculine_0As you can see, the wind is crazy.
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masculine_0And what it did is it took my beloved chicken tractor,
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masculine_0my movable chicken coop and lifted up in the sky and then brought it down and it decimated it,
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masculine_0it destroyed it. So I have no chicken tractor.
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masculine_0That's why we haven't bought any chicks yet for for me.
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masculine_0We do have some hens for laying and they're a little bit larger.
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masculine_0Our neighbors helped us raise those for the summer to get them a little bit bigger.
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masculine_0When we came back, we bought those from them. So now this guy pulls up today and be it as we have a thing for for chicks,
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masculine_0we went ahead and purchased twenty of those.
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masculine_0So that's what we've got here. These are Roosters and they'll grow faster than the hens.
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masculine_0And then we'll slaughter them and hopefully provide some meat for the family.
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masculine_0Going to go ahead and put them in a cage and make sure it it blocks out the wind.
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masculine_0It's got some sunlight coming in. It's got plenty of water,
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masculine_0plenty of food. And you got to make sure that we change up the the bedding so it doesn't get too thick with their excrement.
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masculine_0That's the story. So I got my beautiful wife out here to help me with the temporary home for the chicks.
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masculine_0So that's what we're going to do here. Let me give you a closer shot here of what we're doing.
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masculine_0All right, so this here is
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masculine_0rice husk.
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masculine_0Got the food down here?
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masculine_0That's just some basic chick feed.
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masculine_0The temporary home.
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masculine_0And if you look at her dog, he wants,
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masculine_0he wants some of this action.
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masculine_0Now the chicks are in their new home,
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masculine_0Looks pretty comfortable, dry.
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masculine_0We're going to have to change this rice husk here out every day or two,
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masculine_0maybe every couple days. Make sure they have plenty of water over there.
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masculine_0Make sure the feet is good.
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4:22 → 4:24
masculine_0going to do this. All right guys,
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masculine_0so here's the remains of my beloved chicken tractor after the typhoon destroyed it.
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masculine_0So as you can see, it's in no condition to be housing chickens.
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masculine_0So I got a hustle and maybe use the
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masculine_0this wire meshing here,
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masculine_0rip it off, strip it off, maybe burn the bamboo,
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masculine_0get some some new bamboo to make a new chicken tractor because before we know it,
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masculine_0these guys are going to outgrow that plastic container and that's going to be trouble for us.
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masculine_0All right, guys, thanks for watching.
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masculine_0Go ahead and click in the description area down below.
4:58 → 5:00
masculine_0I have a link there that'll jump to my website,
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5:02 → 5:04
masculine_0Go ahead and check it out. And if you have any comments,
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masculine_0I'd love to hear them down below and remember to subscribe.
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masculine_0We'll see you guys next time.