0:00 → 0:04
So here are five signs that they are not interested in a relationship.
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Number 1. Your crush doesn't make an effort.
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Establishing a relationship means that both parties need to put in the effort.
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You need to communicate, figure out each other's interests and hobbies and spend time with each other.
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In the early stages, a romantic relationship may begin as a friendship.
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However, the relationship changes when both people pay more attention to the small things about each other.
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Interest in each other starts with simple questions, such as will they like this?
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This question unravels a slew of questions which all point to one fact: you want to know more about them because you've developed feelings.
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Keen attention to small and insignificant details, means that you care about someone's wellbeing, comfort and opinion.
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If your crush does not make an effort to know more about you and spend more time with you, then they're likely not interested.
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Number 2. They talk about their love life.
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This sign is difficult to gauge because it all depends on the tone.
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If you're interested in someone, you probably will not talk about your love life with them.
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Of course that doesn't apply to everyone.
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However, if your crush approaches you and wants to treat you as a wingman or wingwoman,
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there's a slim chance that they're interested in you romantically.
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Number 3. They keep you at an arm's length.
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When people fall in love, they tend to reveal secrets that they don't tell others.
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They seek to establish emotional intimacy and welcome the other person into their inner world.
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However, someone who is not interested will not do that.
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They may tell you things, but they don't welcome you into their private emotional life.
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Number 4. They flake out on plans.
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Another sign that someone is not interested in a romantic relationship is flaking out on plans.
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Flaking out also refers to lacking commitment.
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When someone is in love or at least interested, they'll try to spend as much time as they can near the person they like.
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Hence, if your crush abruptly cancels plans consistently shows up late and actively avoids making plans with you, then they may not be interested.
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And number 5. They flirt with other people.
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This is an obvious sign that they're not interested.
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Some people may think that the other person is playing hard to get and that could be the case.
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People play hard to get to see if others are interested,
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but why would you chase after someone who lures you in to play around with your feelings, if it's obvious you're interested?
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If your crush is constantly elusive, then they might not like you the same way.
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Did you relate to any of these signs?
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Figuring out whether someone is interested in you is difficult.
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If you're in an early phase of a relationship and are not sure if the other person is interested, notice the way they act.
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Communication is also key - it's difficult to talk about subjects like this,
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but it can help both of you avoid heartbreak down the line.