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Hey there, welcome to Life Noggin!
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If you go to an Amazon fulfillment center, chances are you’ll probably see a robot working, picking and packing items to make that process more efficient.
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This is just one example of robots doing work that a human can do.
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Robots can now take over assembly line jobs, clean your carpet, and eventually, successfully get you from point A to point B with autonomous vehicles.
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And this causes a lot of worry among the general public that people are going to be put out of work because of these artificially intelligent robots.
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So, the question is: should we let them take those jobs?
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The short answer is yes.
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To start, which job do you think a robot will take over first, a doctor or a nurse?
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Interestingly, current work in the field of artificial intelligence seems to suggest a doctor might be the first in line.
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To show why, let’s talk about skin cancer.
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A lot of the time, this is initially detected by looking at an abnormal area on someone’s skin and then that person might get a biopsy to confirm the diagnosis.
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In computer science terms, this is basically an image classification task.
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So, a team of researchers at Stanford set out to create a way to classify a variety of skin lesions and tell whether they are cancerous or not,
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and if so, determine if it was one of the deadliest skin cancers.
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They did this using something called a deep convolutional neural network and trained it with a dataset containing about one hundred and thirty thousand images.
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And when the researchers compared the results from their artificial intelligence diagnosis algorithm to the diagnoses from twenty-one professional dermatologists, the AI performed just as well.
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Seriously, how freaking cool is that!
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If this was made into an app, people could get diagnosed straight from their smart phones and it could probably save a lot of people’s lives.
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That said, it’s not like doctors are going to be out of jobs all of a sudden and vacationing all day every day.
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I know, doc, it’s sad, but you gotta put that inflatable flamingo down for a second.
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Instead, smart technology will probably be used alongside doctors in their work.
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So, that’s just one example.
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It’s possible that as more and more companies work on autonomous vehicles and they continue to get safer and are widely used, roads might be safer than they are now.
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I mean, in the US alone, twenty-eight people die from drunk-driving accidents every day.
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But if everyone uses an autonomous vehicles, that number could theoretically shrink to zero, which is obviously a great thing.
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So, there’s clearly a lot of benefits of allowing smart technology to replace or improve some jobs.
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And excluding any effects this may have on the economy, it may even help with your health as well, assuming you might work a bit less if there’s also a robot doing some of your work.
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See, research from The Australian National University found that working more than thirty-nine hours a week can have negative health effects since you have less time to eat well and look after yourself.
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So, in a world where robots do some of our work, people might be healthier and have more time for their hobbies and more time to pump some iron in the gym!
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Yes, work it!
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But what do you think, would you be okay with robots taking your job, do you think it's a good thing or a bad thing?
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Let me know why in the comments below.
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My name is Blocko, this has been Life Noggin,
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don’t forget to keep on thinking!